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Full Dentures
Restorative Dentistry

Full Dentures

Restore a full smile with a complete set of dentures from an Enamel Dentistry studio in Texas

Complete Your Smile With Full Dentures

If you're missing most or all of your teeth due to severe periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, or a dental injury, full arch dentures can give you your smile back. Dentures are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, so you can replace full arches of missing teeth and speak, eat, and smile with confidence again. Dentures are an affordable, efficient way to restore your smile after tooth loss.

Full Dentures

Here's What To Expect When You Get Full Dentures

Extracting Teeth

We prepare your mouth. Any unhealthy remaining teeth must be removed. We do this gently and painlessly.

Impressions & Images

We make your dentures. Once you heal, we'll take impressions and images to create your custom dentures.

Caring For Dentures

Keep your dentures in shape. Remove and rinse your dentures every time you eat, and rinse your mouth or brush your gums.

Fixing Your Dentures

If your dentures hurt. Or they won't stay in place, come see us, it may be time to be fitted for a new set.

Come In And See Us
We'll Have You Grinning From The Chin Up

Whatever dental procedure or treatment you need,
we'll make sure your time with us is comfortable, enjoyable and informative.

Whatever dental procedure or treatment you need, we'll make sure your time with us is comfortable, enjoyable and informative.

We're changing the way patients experience the dentist. Our primary concern is your oral health and making sure you feel comfortable coming to see us. We know it can be scary visiting the dentist. But our philosophy of providing an easy and fun experience combined with our use of advanced AI tools, we know you'll feel different about coming to see us.

We offer:

The best dental care
Fun, friendly and non-judgey staff
Honest and transparent treatment
Comfortable chairs
TV's for entertaining distractions
Financing options
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An Austin Dentist holding dental instruments and Enamel Dentistry

AI Technology That Doesn't Miss A Thing

We've invested in top-of-the-line tools and the latest technology to improve efficiency and patient care. No more goopy impressions! From AI and 3D printers to iTero for digital and diagnostic impressions, we're equipped with proven equipment to ensure that every procedure is comfortable, convenient and ensures an accurate fit. Combining technology and innovations with our highly professional and knowledgeable dental team enables us to deliver the best treatment outcomes consistently.

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Full Dentures
Full Dentures
a woman sitting on a green Dentist chair looking at her Invisalign in a mirror at Enamel Dentistry

Don't Let Finances Come Between You And A Beautiful Healthy Smile

We understand the frustration of needing dental care while feeling it may not be affordable. You shouldn't have to worry about paying for your oral health. That's why we have several options to help you easily finance your dental treatment.

3500+ rave reviews and counting

Enamel Dentistry Patients Are The Best

"I haven't gone to the dentist in a long while and was nervous/embarrassed about my teeth & gums, but my dentist made me feel extremely comfortable"

Vanessa M.

"I get so much anxiety about going to the dentist but this place made me feel right at ease as soon as I walked in."

Klaudia V.

"There's nothing more I dislike then going to the dentist and having people mess with my mouth BUT I genuinely enjoyed Enamel Dentistry from the second I walked in."

Sierra E.

The More You Know,
The Better Your Oral Health Will Be

Do I Still Need to Go to the Dentist if I’m Not in Pain?A Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

Do I Still Need to Go to the Dentist if I’m Not in Pain?

September 23, 2022

If you don’t have any pain or sensitivity in your teeth, you may think it’s unecessary to visit the dentist. We’re sorry to break it to you, but that’s not the case! You’d be surprised at how often patients need a filling, root canal, or other procedure to address an issue they didn’t even know was there.

Regular Visits to the Dentist: It’s All About Prevention

Just like visits to your primary care doctor for annual exams, regular visits to the dentist are all about preventive care. Routine exams allow us to be proactive with your dental health and address minor issues before they have the chance to become a more serious—and expensive—problem. In some cases, addressing a cavity early on could actually save your tooth! And we all want to have happy, healthy, natural smiles, right?

If you wait to go to the dentist until you’re having pain, chances are the damage to your tooth will be greater than if you had been keeping up with your regular check-ups. Tooth decay and gum disease aren’t necessarily painful at first, and if we can treat them early, you won’t have to worry about more invasive or costly procedures in the future. 

For example, a cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by bacteria that eats away at the enamel, which is the outer layer of the tooth. Patients rarely feel pain from cavities until they get worse, and the hole makes its way down to the tooth’s nerve. When this nerve is exposed, it’s painful—and it means you’ll need a root canal to save the tooth. However, if we detect the cavity early on, all you’ll need is a simple filling.

Dental Anxiety & Cost: Two Reasons Patients Put Off Dental Care

Think back to how dentists have been portrayed in the media (Little Shop of Horrors, anyone?). Often, dental care has been portrayed as scary or painful. The good news is that modern dentistry has come a long way, even within the last 10 years. Beyond providing excellent care for your teeth and gums, our primary focus is on your comfort. 

It may sound strange, but patients often have dental anxiety because they haven’t visited the dentist enough—so they’re not sure exactly what to expect. Or, they may need more extensive procedures because their visits have been far and few between. The more often you visit us, the more comfortable you’ll be with the whole experience; we’ll also be able to be more proactive with your oral health. We understand that dental anxiety can be a real roadblock to dental care, which is why we offer three levels of dental sedation to help you have stress-free visits. If you have dental anxiety, don’t hesitate to let us know! 

Dental anxiety is a common reason why many people put off going to the dentist. Another reason? The cost. Here’s the thing to keep in mind: if you stick to a regular schedule for your dental exams, and practice good oral hygiene, you’re far less likely to need more invasive (and costly) procedures. Even better, the cost of visiting the dentist will be much more predictable! Waiting until you need more intensive treatment may also make it difficult to afford the care you need. 

Schedule an Exam at Enamel Dentistry Today!

Hopefully, this has given you a better understanding of why regular exams and teeth cleanings are so important—even if your teeth or gums feel perfectly fine. We want to help you keep them pain-free and prevent the need for more invasive and expensive procedures. If you’ve been putting off your dental care, don’t wait! Schedule an appointment with us today at one of our convenient locations. When you arrive, you’ll be given a comfort menu filled with amenities that will make you feel right at home. Sit back, relax, and let our team take care of you!

How Can My Dentist Help Me Sleep Better?A Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

How Can My Dentist Help Me Sleep Better?

November 23, 2022

Do you snore when you sleep? Wake up in the middle of the night out of breath? Feel tired all the time? If you answered yes to these questions, you may have sleep apnea.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects an estimated 18 million adults in the United States. With sleep apnea, your breathing stops while you’re sleeping, then starts up again. The pause in between breaths can be 10 seconds or longer, and it can happen as often as 30 times or more each hour you sleep. Unsurprisingly, this can wreak havoc on getting a good night’s sleep. It’s not uncommon for patients with sleep apnea to wake up many times throughout the night.

There are three types of sleep apnea; the most common type is called obstructive sleep apnea. With obstructive sleep apnea, the tissues of the throat and palate relax while you sleep, which causes the tissues to sag and obstruct the airway. Although the daytime fatigue that comes with sleep apnea can make it difficult to go about your daily tasks, sleep apnea can have more serious consequences. It’s been linked to numerous health conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure and heart problems
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Complications with certain medications or general anesthesia
  • Liver issues

In addition, a lack of sleep can affect your overall well-being. You may find you have memory issues, moodiness, and difficulty concentrating. Fortunately, your dentist can help diagnose and treat sleep apnea!

How’s Your Sleep Quality?

This might not be a question you expect to hear from your dentist, but believe it or not, we have ways of spotting patients who might have sleep apnea. One of the first signs is bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding. Teeth grinding causes worn surfaces on your teeth, as well as cracks, broken teeth, and inflamed or receding gums. A sudden increase in cavities can also be a sign of teeth grinding because the force of grinding your teeth can cause damage that makes them more vulnerable to cavity-causing bacteria.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders are often closely associated with sleep apnea, although the relationship between the two isn’t completely understood. A study published in the Journal of Dental Research found that people with obstructive sleep apnea are twice as likely to have TMJ disorders than people without sleep apnea. Other signs of sleep apnea are a tongue with “scalloped” edges, a small jaw, redness in the throat, or unusually large throat tissues.

Dentistry to the Rescue!

There are several ways to treat sleep apnea; in the case of obstructive sleep apnea, you may only need to make some lifestyle changes. These include:

  • Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Avoiding alcohol or drugs that relax your central nervous system
  • Quitting smoking
  • Taking antihistamines or other medications that help with nasal allergies

One of the most common ways to treat sleep apnea is with a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. CPAP machines provide a gentle flow of air through a small mask that you wear at night, which helps prevent your tissues from obstructing your airway. Although they’re very effective, they can be bulky, and some patients have trouble sleeping with them.

Nightguards or other oral appliances can also be very effective for patients with mild-to-moderate cases of obstructive sleep apnea. They work by moving your jaw and throat into a position that prevents tissue obstruction while you sleep. Although rare, surgery is also an option for severe sleep apnea.

Get the Quality Sleep You Deserve

It might be easy to push aside sleep apnea symptoms as “just a snore” but poor sleep quality can have a serious impact on your well-being and ability to function throughout the day. However, the long-term effects are more concerning. Since sleep apnea affects the oxygenation of your blood and the way your heart and lungs function, it can increase your risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other serious health problems. Sleep is also very important for the body’s immune system and ability to heal!

If you have signs of sleep apnea, don’t ignore them! Schedule an appointment at Enamel Dentistry so we can evaluate your symptoms and create a custom treatment plan.

Sedation FAQsA Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

Sedation FAQs

January 28, 2023

Why is Sedation Dentistry necessary for some patients?

It is common and perfectly normal to have some degree of apprehension or anxiety prior to receiving dental treatment. Some people, however, have stronger feelings in this regard than others. These feelings may be the result of less than pleasant past experiences, stories told by family and friends, or by the nature of the dental procedure itself (wisdom teeth removal). Dental treatment may be especially frightening to young children and patients with developmental disabilities. Whatever the cause, apprehension or anxiety can produce many unpleasant effects including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, upset stomach and trouble sleeping the night before the appointment. Many highly apprehensive patients avoid dental care for many years until their problems become so severe that they are forced to seek emergency care.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation can make practically all dental and oral surgical procedures more pleasant and safer for the apprehensive patients. During the procedure, the anxiety that many people have can be controlled by administering sedative medication. A sedated patient will not only be more relaxed but can also have potentially limited memory of the procedure performed. In either case local anesthesia (lidocaine) is also administered to block the pain sensations during the procedure and to keep the mouth numb during recovery.

How is the medication administered?

Sedative medication can be administered by breathing (nitrous oxide/laughing gas), orally (pill form) or intravenously (IV).

  • Nitrous oxide is the most common agent used to treat apprehensive patients and can be used either by itself or in combination with Oral Sedation.
  • Non- IV conscious sedation involves Nitrous Oxide in combination with an oral medication. Patients become very relaxed and potentially slightly sleepy but are still able to speak and answer questions. Some patients may experience an amnesic effect and don’t remember much of the visit the next day. Oral medication takes time to work (approximately 30-45 minutes) and has limits on how sedated you can safely become.
  • IV sedation: Medication given intravenously (IV) has its effect rapidly so your dentist can give the precise amount needed for your level of anxiety. In addition, if more medication is needed during the procedure, the IV allows easy administration of additional medications. Patients are generally very sleepy and may experience more amnestic effects from IV sedation than through the other previously mentioned methods.
Which type of sedation is right for me?

The route selected by you and your dentist will depend on your current health status and your particular needs.

How am I monitored during the procedure?

Depending on the depth of sedation or anesthesia being used, as well as your own medical condition, various monitors will be used during your procedure to ensure your safety. These monitors vary from automatic blood pressure cuffs to the use of pulse oximeters which, through a light sensor, measure the oxygen concentration in your blood. For our conscious and IV sedation patients, an EKG monitor is also used to monitor your heart rhythm in addition to capnography (measuring carbon dioxide levels from the breath). In addition to the monitoring devices, your doctor along with trained staff will always be with you and will be observing you closely during your treatment.

Is Sedation Dentistry safe?

The use of sedation in dentistry has a commendable record of safety. This is due to the advanced training your doctor has and her commitment to your overall health. It is important to advise your doctor of all medications that you take as well as any changes in your health since your last visit. In Texas, a special permit is required to administer sedation and anesthesia.Dr. Dillon Patel is trained in Level 2 (Nitrous and Oral conscious sedation) and Level 3 (IVModerate sedation) and can administer IV sedation. The ability to handle emergency situations as well as having specific emergency medications and equipment is a mandatory part of the permitting process. Additionally, Dr. Dillon Patel is certified in Basic Life Support, AdvancedCardiac Life Support, and Advanced Trauma Life Support.

Source: the American Dental society of Anesthesiology

Any questions or concerns? Call to schedule an appointment at your nearest Enamel Dentistry Location.

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