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(512) 884-5658
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(512) 649-7510
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(512) 717-5315
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1606 E Parmer Ln. Suite #125
(512) 572-0215
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7415 SW Pkwy. Bldg 6 #200
(512) 648-6115
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45855 Promontory Road Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 0H3
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(469) 663-0515
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45855 Promontory Road Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 0H3
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Sleep Apnea Treatment
General Dentistry

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Detect and treat mild to moderate symptoms of sleep apnea to an Enamel Dentistry studio in Texas.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Don't Lose Sleep Over Your Mouth

Almost 10% of American adults are affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It occurs when the tissues of the throat and palate relax during sleep. The tissue can “sag," which obstructs the airway and blocks the proper flow of air and oxygen to the lungs. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and lead to weight gain. If you suffer from OSA, come in and see us right away.

Get A Better Night's Sleep By Treating Your Sleep Apnea

Signs and Symptoms

Snoring is the most obvious sign. Others: Headaches, dry mouth, waking abruptly, short of breath, insomnia and irritability.

Health Effects

Sleep Apnea is serious. It can be debilitating and, if left undiagnosed, increases your risk of stroke by 96%.

Oral Treatment

Oral appliances will shift your jaw. For mild to moderate cases. They are a convenient way to prevent airway sagging.

See An Expert

Get a proper diagnosis. We can treat minor to moderate OAS, more severe cases should be treated by a specialist.

Come In And See Us
We'll Have You Grinning From The Chin Up

Whatever dental procedure or treatment you need,
we'll make sure your time with us is comfortable, enjoyable and informative.

Whatever dental procedure or treatment you need, we'll make sure your time with us is comfortable, enjoyable and informative.

We're changing the way patients experience the dentist. Our primary concern is your oral health and making sure you feel comfortable coming to see us. We know it can be scary visiting the dentist. But our philosophy of providing an easy and fun experience combined with our use of advanced AI tools, we know you'll feel different about coming to see us.

We offer:

The best dental care
Fun, friendly and non-judgey staff
Honest and transparent treatment
Comfortable chairs
TV's for entertaining distractions
Financing options
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A woman sitting in a chair smiling about getting teeth whitening at her dentist on South Lamar

AI Technology That Doesn't Miss A Thing

We've invested in top-of-the-line tools and the latest technology to improve efficiency and patient care. No more goopy impressions! From AI and 3D printers to iTero for digital and diagnostic impressions, we're equipped with proven equipment to ensure that every procedure is comfortable, convenient and ensures an accurate fit. Combining technology and innovations with our highly professional and knowledgeable dental team enables us to deliver the best treatment outcomes consistently.

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Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep Apnea Treatment
a woman sitting on a green Dentist chair looking at her Invisalign in a mirror at Enamel Dentistry

Don't Let Finances Come Between You And A Beautiful Healthy Smile

We understand the frustration of needing dental care while feeling it may not be affordable. You shouldn't have to worry about paying for your oral health. That's why we have several options to help you easily finance your dental treatment.

3500+ rave reviews and counting

Enamel Dentistry Patients Are The Best

"The visit was personalized to me. I don’t normally enjoy the dentist but after my first visit here I didn’t want to leave."

Jasmine A.

"I haven't gone to the dentist in a long while and was nervous/embarrassed about my teeth & gums, but my dentist made me feel extremely comfortable"

Vanessa M.

"If you’re looking for a modern, fun, and comfortable place to get your smile checked up — I suggest giving Enamel Dentistry a try."

Hector A.

The More You Know,
The Better Your Oral Health Will Be

City Lifestyle AustinA Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

City Lifestyle Austin

March 1, 2021

Please see HERE what City Lifestyle Austin has to say about Enamel Dentistry and their cutting-edge approach to all aspects of a successful dental practice.  

Spoiler Alert: The key is a positive and upbeat attitude that manifests itself in superior dental care.

Celebrate National Wine Day By Keeping Your Smile Bright!A Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

Celebrate National Wine Day By Keeping Your Smile Bright!

October 8, 2020

National Wine Day falls on Saturday, May 25th this year and is a great time to celebrate with a glass of wine (or two, we won’t tell)! But wine is also one of the most common causes of tooth staining, along with tea and coffee.

How to Keep Your Smile Bright When Drinking Wine

Drinking wine won’t hurt your teeth, but it can stain them and make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Here are a few tips to keep your smile bright and avoid purple tinted teeth:

See your dentist regularly for teeth cleanings

Seeing a dentist for six-month oral exams and teeth cleanings will ensure that your teeth are free of plaque and tartar. Your teeth will be buffed and polished, which can help remove minor stains and discoloration.

Consider a white wine

White wine is free of the tannins and pigments that can stain your teeth, so think about switching to Riesling or pinot grigio

Brush before you drink wine

Since wine is acidic, it’s actually not a great idea to brush right after drinking it. Brushing immediately after drinking wine can cause premature wear to the teeth. Instead, brush your teeth before you drink. This will help remove plaque and prevent stains.

Rinse your mouth after drinking wine

Drinking a glass of water or gargling with a bit of mouthwash can help prevent wine from lingering on your teeth.

Have a salad with your wine

High-fiber foods help your mouth produce more saliva and “scrub” wine away from your teeth. Pair your wine with a salad and minimize your risk of a stained smile!

Treating Stains – Teeth Whitening And Veneers

If your teeth have become stained due to a wine habit, don’t despair! You have options. Teeth whitening from Enamel Dentistry is an ideal way to reverse and remove wine stains. We offer both in-office and take-home kits. When the powerful peroxide is applied to your teeth, it breaks up the chemical bonds that hold the stains onto your enamel and bleaches them away.

If you have very dark or severe wine stains, or your teeth are stained due to tobacco use, veneers may be a better option. Porcelain veneers can be used to cover up the front surfaces of your teeth and replace them with a bright, white, completely non-stainable surface that permanently restores your smile!

Contact Us to Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry in Austin!

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry in Austin, Enamel Dentistry is where you want to be. Our dentists have years of experience treating teeth stains with whitening and veneers. Come in for a consultation today and see what treatment may be right for you. We hope to see you soon!

Should I Keep Flossing If My Gums Bleed?A Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

Should I Keep Flossing If My Gums Bleed?

December 9, 2022

If your gums start bleeding while you’re flossing, should you keep flossing? Absolutely!

Bleeding while flossing is often a sign that you need to be flossing your gums more thoroughly or frequently—not that they should be left alone. It might sound counterintuitive, but the more you floss, the less your gums will bleed, unless the bleeding is related to physical damage to your gum tissue or a systemic issue. Many patients will stop flossing an area that bleeds, but the best thing to do is to give that area more attention!

Other Reasons Why Your Gums Might Bleed During Flossing

For most patients, simply flossing more often is enough to stop bleeding gums. However, there are several other reasons why your gums could bleed while flossing, including:

  • You could be using poor flossing techniques
  • You may not be brushing your gums properly while brushing your teeth
  • You may have an accumulation of plaque and tartar on your teeth
  • You may have had your teeth cleaned recently and had a lot of build-up removed
  • You may have gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease

If the bleeding hasn’t gone away within 3-10 days, schedule an appointment to have your dentist check it out. We’ll evaluate your flossing technique and determine whether you may need a cleaning or periodontal care. Gingivitis and gum disease are both very common, but the good news is that they can be reversed in the early stages.

How Often Should You Floss Your Teeth?

Flossing is very important because it can get into areas that your toothbrush bristles can’t. No matter how well you brush your teeth, if you’re not flossing, you’re essentially only cleaning about 50% of your mouth. If you only floss occasionally, your gums will probably bleed because the tissue isn’t used to the stimulation; regular flossing helps the gum tissue become more resilient.

Although some patients floss after every meal, simply flossing once a day will do wonders for your oral health! The best time to floss is typically before you brush your teeth at the end of the day. This will allow the fluoride to make the most contact with your teeth. If you have questions about how to floss your teeth properly, we’d be happy to give you a demonstration!

The bottom line: your gums may bleed from time to time, and generally, it’s not serious. Start flossing more often, and it should go away. But if your gums bleed regularly, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist! Contact your closest Enamel location or book an appointment online.

How Dentists Can Help You Sleep Better!

A Dental Room at the Best Dentist in McKinney

Sedation FAQs

January 28, 2023

Why is Sedation Dentistry necessary for some patients?

It is common and perfectly normal to have some degree of apprehension or anxiety prior to receiving dental treatment. Some people, however, have stronger feelings in this regard than others. These feelings may be the result of less than pleasant past experiences, stories told by family and friends, or by the nature of the dental procedure itself (wisdom teeth removal). Dental treatment may be especially frightening to young children and patients with developmental disabilities. Whatever the cause, apprehension or anxiety can produce many unpleasant effects including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, upset stomach and trouble sleeping the night before the appointment. Many highly apprehensive patients avoid dental care for many years until their problems become so severe that they are forced to seek emergency care.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation can make practically all dental and oral surgical procedures more pleasant and safer for the apprehensive patients. During the procedure, the anxiety that many people have can be controlled by administering sedative medication. A sedated patient will not only be more relaxed but can also have potentially limited memory of the procedure performed. In either case local anesthesia (lidocaine) is also administered to block the pain sensations during the procedure and to keep the mouth numb during recovery.

How is the medication administered?

Sedative medication can be administered by breathing (nitrous oxide/laughing gas), orally (pill form) or intravenously (IV).

  • Nitrous oxide is the most common agent used to treat apprehensive patients and can be used either by itself or in combination with Oral Sedation.
  • Non- IV conscious sedation involves Nitrous Oxide in combination with an oral medication. Patients become very relaxed and potentially slightly sleepy but are still able to speak and answer questions. Some patients may experience an amnesic effect and don’t remember much of the visit the next day. Oral medication takes time to work (approximately 30-45 minutes) and has limits on how sedated you can safely become.
  • IV sedation: Medication given intravenously (IV) has its effect rapidly so your dentist can give the precise amount needed for your level of anxiety. In addition, if more medication is needed during the procedure, the IV allows easy administration of additional medications. Patients are generally very sleepy and may experience more amnestic effects from IV sedation than through the other previously mentioned methods.
Which type of sedation is right for me?

The route selected by you and your dentist will depend on your current health status and your particular needs.

How am I monitored during the procedure?

Depending on the depth of sedation or anesthesia being used, as well as your own medical condition, various monitors will be used during your procedure to ensure your safety. These monitors vary from automatic blood pressure cuffs to the use of pulse oximeters which, through a light sensor, measure the oxygen concentration in your blood. For our conscious and IV sedation patients, an EKG monitor is also used to monitor your heart rhythm in addition to capnography (measuring carbon dioxide levels from the breath). In addition to the monitoring devices, your doctor along with trained staff will always be with you and will be observing you closely during your treatment.

Is Sedation Dentistry safe?

The use of sedation in dentistry has a commendable record of safety. This is due to the advanced training your doctor has and her commitment to your overall health. It is important to advise your doctor of all medications that you take as well as any changes in your health since your last visit. In Texas, a special permit is required to administer sedation and anesthesia.Dr. Dillon Patel is trained in Level 2 (Nitrous and Oral conscious sedation) and Level 3 (IVModerate sedation) and can administer IV sedation. The ability to handle emergency situations as well as having specific emergency medications and equipment is a mandatory part of the permitting process. Additionally, Dr. Dillon Patel is certified in Basic Life Support, AdvancedCardiac Life Support, and Advanced Trauma Life Support.

Source: the American Dental society of Anesthesiology

Any questions or concerns? Call to schedule an appointment at your nearest Enamel Dentistry Location.

Tooth troubles? Here are some common FAQ's

How do I reduce my toddler's swollen gums?
Should I keep flossing if my gums bleed?
How does tooth whitening tooth paste work?
Can an emergency dentist do a root canal?