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Invisalign Lisp and Other Speech Impediments

Updated: Oct 4

While Invisalign is often more comfortable than traditional metal braces, it can initially cause speech issues, such as a slight lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. 

These speech impediments are usually temporary and resolve as you get accustomed to wearing the aligners. 

How Invisalign Affects Speech

Invisalign aligners are designed to be a more discreet and comfortable alternative to metal braces. However, like any dental appliance, they can initially affect speech.

The aligners are created using 3D scanning technology and 3D prints, which helps ensure a precise fit. However, even with advanced technology, traditional impressions may still be used in some cases.

The aligners cover the teeth and can alter airflow through the mouth, affecting tongue placement and lip movement.

This can lead to speech changes like lisping or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds.

Common Speech Issues with Invisalign

When you first start wearing Invisalign, you might notice some speech changes. Here are the most common issues:

Lisps and Whistles

A lisp or a whistling sound can occur due to a slight gap left between the upper and lower teeth while speaking. This issue is common but temporary, typically resolving as your mouth adjusts to the Invisalign trays during the initial adjustment period. 

The adaptation period varies, and it may take some time for your speech to normalize depending on factors like the length of treatment time, the severity of alignment issues, and your ability to do exercises to improve speech. 

If the lisp persists, it’s advisable to consult your dentist to ensure there are no underlying alignment issues or severe speech impediments.

Difficulty Pronouncing Certain Words

You may find it challenging to pronounce certain words initially. 

This happens because your tongue needs time to adapt to its new placement against your realigned teeth.

Dry Mouth

The additional thickness of the aligners can sometimes cause a dry mouth, interfering with tongue movements and speech. 

Staying hydrated by drinking water can quickly resolve this issue.

Comparing Invisalign to Traditional Braces for Speech

Conventional metal braces interfere with everyday speech by obstructing the tongue’s movement. 

This can result in speech alterations like lisping or slurring. 

Invisalign, however, does not have brackets and wires, so it generally affects speech less. 

Plus, Invisalign aligners, such as during meals or essential events, can be removed when needed.

When to Seek Help for Speech Issues with Invisalign

While most speech issues with the Invisalign treatment are temporary, some may require professional assistance. Here are some signs you might need help:

Impaired Speech Clarity

If you notice persistent slurred speech or difficulty pronouncing words even after a few weeks, it could indicate an issue with your aligners.

Tongue Irritation

If your aligners are causing tongue irritation, it may be due to poor fit or rough edges. Consult your dentist to adjust the aligners for comfort.

Excessive Saliva Production

An increase in saliva production is expected when starting Invisalign treatment. However, if it continues beyond a few days, it may indicate that your mouth struggles to adapt to the aligners.

Pain When Speaking

While minor discomfort is initially expected, persistent speaking pain should not be ignored. It may point to an improperly fitted aligner or another dental issue that needs addressing.

If you experience these problems, contact your dentist for guidance on Invisalign adjustments or speech correction.

Tips for Overcoming an Invisalign Lisp and Other Speech Impediments

Here are some strategies to help you speak more clearly with Invisalign aligners:

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can keep your mouth moist, reduce the symptoms of dry mouth, and make speech more comfortable.

Practice Speaking

Speaking slowly and deliberately can help you adjust to the aligners. Practicing in front of a mirror can also help you improve your enunciation and specific articulations, making your speech clearer. 

You can also try reading aloud and doing pronunciation practice to work on intricate sounds that may be affected.

Relax Your Mouth and Jaw

Tension in the mouth and jaw muscles can worsen speech issues. Practice tongue exercises and jaw massage to loosen these muscles, allowing for more natural movement. 

Tongue stretching and straw usage are also helpful exercises to reduce the impact of a lateral lisp and other speech impediments.

Take Breaks

Give yourself time to rest and let your mouth adjust to the aligners. Pausing and taking breaks can minimize any discomfort, especially when dealing with cognizance of how your aligners affect your speech.

Adjust the Fit of Your Aligners

If your Invisalign aligners feel too tight or cause significant discomfort, consult your dentist to ensure they are correctly fitted.


Invisalign aligners can affect speech temporarily due to their placement in the mouth. Most people adapt to the aligners within a few days to a week, and speech typically returns to normal. 

In rare cases, an Invisalign lisp or other speech issues may persist, but these generally resolve with continued use and practice. 

If you experience persistent problems, professional guidance can help you find solutions to both your Invisalign and speech concerns.

If you have any questions about Invisalign speech impediments, feel free to contact Enamel Dentistry. We offer Invisalign treatment and support to help you manage any speech impacts during your treatment.


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